» Kunstbeirat Kunstforum Gotha
Advice and support for all exhibitions at KunstForum Gotha
The Kunstbeirat

It was founded in 2015 by the city’s citizens interested in art, the Mayor, the Managing Director of KulTourStadt Gotha GmbH and the Chairman of VR- Bank Westthüringen. The committee holds a public meeting twice a year. The dates are announced in local media. All members of the advisory committee are entitled to vote.
The advisory committee always includes one member from KulTourStadt Gotha GmbH, the Mayor or a representative nominated by them and the Chairman of the VR-Bank Westthüringen or a representative nominated by them. Experts from various areas (e.g. art, the fine arts, architecture, landscape planning) are also invited to participate.
A vote on planned exhibitions is taken by the KunstBeirat, expert views and reviews of artistic contributions are carried out during the consultations in relation to the project.
The advisory board currently consists of the following members:
- Prof. Dr. Peter Arlt
- Enrico Heß (Geschäftsführer der KulTourStadt Gotha GmbH)
- Michaela Hirche (Verband Bildender Künstler Thüringen e. V.)
- Hans-Jürgen Roth
- Kai Trautvetter
- Dr. Timo Trümper
- Kristin Wenzel
- Katja Lipfert (Geschäftsführerin der Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen)
- Helga Wilfroth